Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Texas in the summer

So, here I am again, still in TX and having a wonderful time with the girls and new boy.  Trying to help out Momma and Daddy (Heather and Mark) when and where I can.  I am uploading some picures for you enjoyment...

Its hot humid and dry here in TX ... Zane is battling the heat too, with no rain and irregular ditch access, so he is frustrated.  "Course he's missing me too, but I am happy here, but missing him too.

Samantha and Fam are due in here on the 10th for about a week ... they are staying at a motel ... will be good to see the boys, since it has been 6 years since we/I did ...

worried still about Zane ... his breathing issues are still plaguing him and he won't go see about them,

I have yet another boil ... left arm pit this time ... saw Dr and got antibiotics ... also broke my upper denture again ... AGH!!

 In Momma's arms in the hospital on his "birthday"
 Left to right - Vivianna, Makena, Mark and Mark Anthony, Jr (AJ)
 Sisters loving and getting used to him
 Beautiful Momma, Heather
 Tired Daddy, Mark
 Makena and cousin Alanna @ pool
 Time out at the pool
 Bathing beauties
 Ipad savvy Vivianna and Momma and AJ resting
 More Ipad time
 AJ and Makena
 Momma and AJ on first walk in the park
 Holding AJ
 Texas Beauty
Grammy's girls and the BOY!

Well, gonna go for now ... love to all and Peace.  Out!

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