so, spent the day in Stann Creek to shop, get $ out of the credit union. We took a truck load in with us and got things for others as well. Jay came by later when we were home to put up a rain gutter and brought over a rain barrel. This way we can collect water to bath and wash dishes with since there is still no water in the village due to the 'butterscotch' colored water in the river where the village sources it's water. 'course, as Zane said, now it won't rain ... that's okay too.
The weather forecast still calls for rain up through the 14th 30% to 50% each day, we shall see.
Tomorrow is our oldest daughter's birthday!!! Yah, hopefully we will be able to get a call through to her. We'll have to try her during the day, as her hubby and boys usually take her somewhere for dinner.
Zane and Jason saw a new bird yesterday (no picture) ... we determined it rufous-browed peppershrike. pretty cool bird. Then today in Stann Creek we saw tiny bird called a White Collared Seedeater ... very small. And there's been a woodpecker around that might be either a Golden-fronted or a Red-vented woodpecker, just haven't gotten a close look at that now that I have the bird book handy.
still overcast ... rain predicted over night...79 degrees with humidity @ 79% as well.
Hi, Janie I have been enjoying your blog. Wish I could be there. I got a notice from Jay's bank here about his debit card. Could you tell him to call me from a good connection ASAP so we can talk about it. Thanks, Shar