Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Well, the 'boys' returned to us safe and sound from Mexico with great tales, sore tails (lol) and happy smiles and some pictures.  It really encouraged Jason to brush up on his Spanish (like Tio Chuy he told Gabe) because inside the 'free zone' as well in the border town, there was NO English spoken.  They spent the nite in a nice motel/apartment unit and had a few beers ... went to the WALMART!  ... one of the reasons Jason wanted to check it out.  In the free zone he found a good deal on tires, so he was anxious to start setting money aside ($125US each) for 10 ply tires which would be marvelous on the rough coastal road and much to be desired!

 Zane and the bikes in Corozal
 New, more modern lighthouse being built (looks like an amusement park ride or modern art to me)
 Jason's artsy fartsy shot of the lighthouse
 Coastal view
 They made it!
 One of my favorite shots of my Love!  So Happy!
 Rainbow wishes!
 Great signage that Jason just had to stop and take a picture of :-)
 View from their room overlooking the water
Moonrise in the morning
I will attempt to upload a few picture here.  Done!   Successful ... thats about it ... today the guys are going into Dangriga to hit the credit union, get tires for Jason's truck and get lube for the motorcycle chains.  J will probably have two trips to town on Friday, b/c the reaping in the orange groves is going on and the folks will want to cash their checks and get stuff, so Zane doesn't want to have to deal with all those folks and all that time ... so a quick trip today will suffice

Well, finally got the three hammocks done for John Moore, one of the folks here in the Village who has a nice guest house ... he paid me $15 BZ for each ... so, a nice $45 for about 10 hours work.

Well, that's it for today ... Peace~Out!

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