Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wow ... a major lightening show last night (with accompanying thunder and pouring rain) over the lagoon ... very flashy and loud on our "zinc" roof.  (Zinc is really galvanized roof as they say here in the Village) ... today, more thunder in the distance but some break in the clouds and the lagoon is very calm and glass like.   follow this link to our son Jesse's radio station broadcast of wonderful afro-latino jazz with Jesse DJ-ing the whole thing.  He is ... Tio Chuy or Uncle Jesse.  Very proud of him following his dream ... he will be doing this for 7 (or so) more weeks and we can pick up the 1 1/2 transmission via the above site.  It is in and out of Spanish/English ... the music however transcends everything.

not much to tell today ... am making some sausage today with saurkraut (that we brought) that Zane is hungery for ... Myrtle wants to go to the beach after the rains to 'comb'  I think I will stay back and work on quilts.

signing out ~ peace~out

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